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Assistance for New Yorkers
EmPower+ helps low- and moderate-income households save energy and money toward energy improvements made to their home. This site has been updated for 2024. There is NO COST to the EmPower+ program.
Here you can apply for a subsidy to get your house more energy efficient. Including insulation, heat pumps, refrigerators, lighting, caulking, weatherstripping, alarms, and much more!
Please select, Green Home Logic, as your contractor.
Please have your electric and gas bills ready to submit with the application.
Please have your proof of limited income ready to submit with your application.
i.e. HEAP/SNAP or Social Security reward letter, 3 consecutive paystubs, first two pages of tax return (sign and date pg 2 and blacken out SS number)
Oil heated homes that are below 60% AMI and in PSEG Territory can get an additional $4,000 through the PSEG enhanced program. Here is a link to the most recent application for that.